Background Vector

Canvas Formats

Vectorworks as-builts, without the work.

Bring existing conditions into Vectorworks with an iPhone or iPad scan.

Background Image
Background Vector

Vectorworks, version 24

Includes file types: 3D .vwx, 3D .dae, and 3D .dwg

In as little as one day, you’ll receive a native, professional-grade Vectorworks file with objects in the correct classes and layers, as if you made it yourself.

We can deliver your file in earlier versions by request. We can back-save to version 19. Follow these directions on every order:
1. Right after placing your order, tap “ Upload Reference Measurements.”
2. Write “Vectorworks XXXX” with XXXX representing the year of your Vectorworks version and submit.

Details make the difference

Canvas files meet the LOD 200 standard. Files are organized as if you made it yourself.

Doors and windows

Cabinets and Countertops

Appliances and lighting fixtures

Stairs and columns

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