Ahead of the Curve: Michelle Blemel’s Fusion of Design and Technology

But what really sets Michelle apart is her ability to create casual, elegant interiors while always remaining ahead of the curve. She’s an internet pioneer — starting a radio show about interior design long before podcasts were even an idea. Today, she layers emerging design trends with her expertise in space planning, materials, and finishes while staying tech-savvy by bringing in integrated smart home technology. She also has a creative flair for custom furniture and unique designs and innovatively uses technology, like Canvas, to enhance her design process.


bathroom before and after
Bathroom: Before and After

Michelle’s journey with Canvas began over four years ago. Initially intrigued but hesitant, she quickly recognized its potential as a game-changer in the industry.

“I was thinking, ‘Imagine not having to site measure a house!’” said Michelle.

Now, she doesn’t just use Canvas to measure houses as part of her journey to transform spaces; it has revolutionized how Michelle works every day. The app enables her to scan properties with speed and precision, eliminating the need for repeat site visits and the slog of manual measurements.

“It could take you several hours to measure, and then you get back to the office, and you go, ‘Ugh, I forgot to measure where this was,’” said Michelle, “There’s always something you don’t measure when you’re doing it initially, and you end up having to go back to the house and re-measure.”

“But with Canvas, everything gets captured.​”

That’s why this powerful tool has become a cornerstone of her design process, enabling her to bring her clients’ visions to life with unprecedented precision and speed.

I can meet with a client on Monday, scan my materials, and have the designs back by Thursday, ready to go. My clients can’t believe how fast the work is getting done.

And in an industry driven by meeting client expectations, getting the upper hand on exceeding them is a big deal. Her ability to rapidly turn around projects with the help of Canvas’s detailed scans underscores her commitment to efficiency and client satisfaction.

Renowned for her creative approach to customized design and masterful use of color, Michelle has established herself as a creative problem-solver. She possesses the unique ability to provide innovative solutions to even the toughest design challenges. And by using Canvas, she has more time to devote to her highly customized designs.

“One of the main reasons I use the Canvas app is its incredible time savings,” said Michelle.

The time saved on field measurements, as-built drawings, and CAD models has added up in a meaningful way.

“The amount of time Canvas has saved me is honestly immeasurable,” she said.


Canvas rendering
Bedroom: Scanned Color (Left) vs. CAD Rendering (Right)

Her work is distinguished by a deep understanding of design principles and a keen eye for detail, and Canvas functions as her backup support. In a recent situation, an architect she was working with had made a mistake with the cabinet measurements for a project. However, Michelle and Canvas had captured the correct measurements. When the issue came to light about a week later, the architect initially disagreed and claimed the measurements couldn’t be right.

Michelle stood her ground, stating she had gone back to the house to verify the accurate measurements. She insisted Canvas had picked up on the right dimensions that the architect had missed. The architect eventually had to concede that Michelle and Canvas had the precise measurements all along.

“They said, ‘Oh, we didn’t realize this.’ I replied, ‘Well, Canvas picked it up.’” said Michelle.

Canvas’s new scanning abilities — like the ability to scan facades and add ceiling lights — have only reinforced Michelle’s appreciation for technologies like Canvas that make her job easier and more efficient.

Having been in the business for 25 years, I’ve experienced the challenges of doing a lot by hand. The introduction of tools like Canvas has revolutionized how we work, allowing even complex projects to be scanned and designed more efficiently.

“People who are new to the industry and maybe never had to site measure an entire building by hand don’t get it,” she said. “I drew up a patio over the summer and realized after that I could have used the app to scan the space. I was beating my head against the wall — that would have been 10 times faster.”

Technology like Canvas is playing an increasingly important role in the future of interior design in several key ways, from project management software to integrated smart home technology. Leveraging the latest technology allows interior designers to work faster, more efficiently, and deliver realistic design visualizations to impress clients and avoid issues before construction begins. Designers who embrace these technological advances will be better positioned for success.

And no matter what the next tech evolution holds, Michelle is ready.

“I can’t wait to see what’s next.”


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